My dad bursted in my room and witnessed his little boy put his fragile eyes on the computer screen watching this cartoon. My dad said “ Son what is this what in the tarnation are you watching...can I watch.” I nodded my head and we had a jolly rancher of good time. Then we played catch in the backyard like what normal joes do after a hard day in the mines.This cartoon is straight up a US navy about to be shoved in my vanes, it’s so funny dude like you have no intellect on how hilarious this is. How I wish you would get it but you don’t. You’re like a surfer that hit the rocks and turned into a smelly barista corpse if you can catch my drift. Oh need a lift nah I’ll just walk that’s you right now chicken little looking candy rapper.Ouch are you kidding me. Love the joke it made me make sounds in bed because I was watching it in my bed. I love you post boy. I just wish you grow up and become post man. Your cartoon style is so nice it’s filled with spice and it’s better then those others that have lice. Anyways I really thought it was funny, the animation is great and the timing is great. It’s so good oh my goodness, nice anime thing at the end though. The character animation is funny too with the smaller tank guy. Really like how his body moves. He got some moves dude. I know what you’re saying, trying to butter up Tom and make your little peace of toast I don’t think so. I need more crazy pills so I can go back to the Orphanage or mental facility. Your friend Dr.Stupid. But seriously enough about science. My dad laughed at your cartoon and slapped his knee, he just thought the tankmens banter was pretty historical. He did a big bellowing laugh like what alligator do when they attract mates. Okay stay fresh Postboy.