This cartoon made me want to piss myself, are you kidding me. When I clicked on this video I thought I was gonna go on a charming adventure that whisks me away. What made you want to make a cartoon about a mermaid trying to light the sea on fire to impress some crack head? I don’t get it, kids these days. You could’ve made a better concept. But I loved the animation it’s really good for a matter of fact. Someday you’ll make something that will rock me to my core. I enjoyed the background and it had a fairly cute main character. She could of used a few more arks of hair but she looks alright. The animation can get mumbly sometimes like the perspective shot you were trying to make but failed. It looks wonky. I don’t want to offend you but here is my review. Also I thought the mermaid was cute but mentally challenged in a way, why didn’t she light it above water is she like in special Ed or something. I’m allowed to say that. Also where’s the joke I can’t see it anywhere. Keep up the great work and maybe I’ll like the next cartoon you do. Also this is just biased on my opinion so I’m basically nitpicking on my part. But I would love to see more of your stuff. Chow
Edit: not buying it
Edit: I realized that I was getting a little to crazy and I'm sorry for calling her that. I looked back at this now and this review is horrible. I'm sorry the pain I put you through. My wording is awkward and my reasoning wasn't really thought out very well.
Edit: Congrats on getting daily first and winning January