Nicely done I must say, your really great at making pristine content that comes out of the oven fresh. It taste so good that I want seconds, thirds, thirds, fifths, sixths, and keep chomping down enjoying every bite until I pass out or get cramps in my moist pool filled with the natural water that was here before us. Dinosaur probably pissed in that water. Do you ever ponder the interesting concept that if you’re swimming in the quote on quote beautiful ocean then your also swimming in filth? Animals have been urinating in it for decades including human kind. So if you piss in a pool it's okay because fish do it to. I'm tiltro and I approve this message. I can't stop thinking about stop signs and their perfectly shaped octagons...this cartoon is awesome and I love seeing your work. What you do with the animation looks so pretty and I'm hoping to see numerous 9Hammer cartoons. You better deliver or I'll give this a zero ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. If family guy can make 50 episodes in a month then so can you so you I'm not falling for your tricks. keep it up yumster chuck barry fin looking now bow brown cow.