
232 Movie Reviews

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Look what the cat dragged in.Glad to see you're still breathing champ. The cartoon looks very pretty with the backgrounds having lots of detail and great color choices. The blue maniac flows like water like a piss bed full of unmentionables formulating a groove, what a great work ethic.

What's this song it sounds familiar from an old game I used to play? Also this looks killa

JPiXeLAnimations responds:

thanks, also i mixed the music myself in OpenMPT

Not as good as president worm but it does break down the human condition really. This video will be the OKAY heard around the world. This cartoon is a funny factory, your cartoons are neat and I hope you keep making more.

This was a heart sob, quite the swine among sizzlers. Spit on a pork roast mans best meat. I enjoyed the score it added a whole lot to the picture with the horse dubstep. Every frame would be a great desktop background for my kitchen. I adore the greasy textured shirt and the seizure in the end.Also I liked the skiing camera when he was running around (I thought his tongue was out when I first seen it). I feel like the music is someone’s ringtone in a Paul Blart movie with the flip phones. The randomness of the speed while dancing makes you feel like you loosing your mind it’s very hypnotizing. How did you mocap this? Anyways this was the best Hoss movie ever thought up so I’m giving it two thumbs up.

Sorry for the silly message, you’re username is funny doh so pay no mind. This animation is pretty okay to. I love power house

This is a pear infect toe now really, this cartoon would be better if he was driving a sports car or a truck so you can't hear anything except his motor but you know I just wanted blair my drums of the ears a lil more were did the word blair come from the mouth maybe of some sorts.The explosion looked like my little pony clouds and Runka's expression looks like my dad when he's confused so that was a pretty cool easter egg. Does your dad open your mouth when he's confused? Also I'm back and the music was rad https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/722215949314555996/993612020442202112/unknown.png

This is mighty cool, a very well done tribute for a show that’s rad. The animation is very well done and the added/altered visuals are neat and make it not look like a rehash of the original intro. The animation starts off a little wonky but improves over the run time. The backgrounds are pretty detailed as well when it shows the castle and the textures on the walls is very rusty and lived in I don’t know the exact word but that works. Have a blessed day also what’s you’re favorite episode?

edwar8 responds:

Thank you so so much for the Kind words, I really appreciate it :D Yeah, I started this around late January so the I was still finding my footing in the beginning but I I'm really happy with how it turned out in the end! hmmmm, I think my favourite episode has to be Transylvanian Homesick Blues!

I wish I was the building in the backgrounds, who did the music it sounded pretty cool. It was a wholesome experience

SirNickcerlot responds:

Thank you, and the music is from the Pixar movie UP, the music is called Married Life.

I love reptiles and making cartoons. Also newgrounds is pretty neat.

Gareth @Tiltro

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