
232 Movie Reviews

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Great sakuga, I really want to create something like this. I'm learning how to animate in perspective and I've been doing some for a collaboration project for Newgrounds. I hope i'll see your work in the future and I hope you'll improve. Your better then me.

I'm confused of what this is, what is it?Please tell me.

"I loved your part in the reanimated collaboration, also your style is incredible in my opinion. Also I thought it was funny that you put Freddie Freaker in your part. I wish I joined because Courage is my favorite cartoon.Anyway loved your part." - Fred

Deadly Comics, I really like your art style of your animations. Also I like the editing as well. I hope i'll see more of your artwork and animations in the future. Anyway, this is cooler then my school, i'm a darn fool I spilled my Cheerio's all over the floor. But at least I got another high score out the door in a game called Football. Sorry I got off track, that was pretty wack. I thought this animation was a nae slapper, I wouldn't throw it in the crapper. Man, i'm a horrible rapper. Oh shoot not again, I got side tracked my friend.This animation was pretty great, no debate if it was a type of food my plate would be cleared sonic speed. Okay I got to go it's about to snow. It's been nice talking to you bro. 10/10

Great animation, that was a beautiful story you just told. I hope you’ll improve in the future and butter some bread and through it on a milkerano, it’s their only weakness


This was the worst thing I've ever seen in 2019 but it looks better then the remake of The Lion King. The comedy isn't clever but it still has charm, but this is no laughing matter. I like to eat sponges and put lemons into peoples eyes. All jokes aside, this was actually the best video I've seen all year.

JasonKyo12 responds:

Awwwww Thanks man :-)

That animation was weird but made sense. I have nothing else to say because i'm speechless.But I have one question, what were you thinking about when you did this and how did you end up with the idea? This is a masterpiece and should when an Oscar for best animation. Also, 10/10 on IGN.

POSTBOY responds:

I take these long hour walks outside by myself and i just kinda let my brain run wild. I usually get my best ideas on those walks. I've been described as having a cinematic mind so i just kind of in visioned this and i did it

I love reptiles and making cartoons. Also newgrounds is pretty neat.

Gareth @Tiltro

Age 19, Male


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