
16 Game Reviews

4 w/ Responses

Very fun game, I enjoyed the wizard fights and more!!!

Is the room 3D? Also the debris in the bath tub got me confused at first. I had to play it again to understand what was happening, very cool way to tell a story. It seems like a begging of a horror movie.

kaiakairos responds:

tiltro !!!!!!

This is the game of the year really makes feel like a fish. I did not see that coming.

This game is kinda like a game I like it

This is a really pretty and charming game, good on you and I hope you improve more and more on you're magical coding powers. Now that's playing with power. I feel like the enemies took to long to defeat by I'm a picky pepper.Kobolds are rad and tomato's game be yummy, I ate one on the ground at some farm it was sweat.

Roksim responds:

Heck yas I love tomatoes too!! Yaa I wanted the enemies to be a bit beefy so you can smack them around like in a fighting game, you can do a cool thing by like using the Jump Attack to keep them in the air like in Castle Crashers sorta!

This game smells like a bulldozer, the style is neat but this thing is busted and bruised like a wife who made the wrong decisions on marring a gorilla sized husband who has the neanderthal mindset minus 50.The cat looks pretty neat, I like the concept of collecting things for good use, sounds like a concept. This game got bugs, I clip though walls bathroom stalls you name it. That lava didn't do nothing, I thought I was going to be a sirloin steak when I jumped in the lava but I guess that's not the case. Commendable that you made a game, it's better then what I can't make and I hope you can improve your craft later on. Also take some adderall once in a while, peppers can't kill peppers! What are you on? crazy pills? Love your art um see you later pops unless your old chow gourmet.Don't take adderall unless your allergic or the opposite.

Edit. Ouch, school smells like Lake Titicaca. Sorry about that.

snailpirate responds:

Oh yeah this game is shit. Was just for a school project and half my team ditched it halfway through the semester so it’s a bit broken. I just wanted to upload to Ng because why not. Appreciate the review tho

The music is impressive

This update is pretty sweet

needs more mmm balls

I love reptiles and making cartoons. Also newgrounds is pretty neat.

Gareth @Tiltro

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