Yo Ninjamuffin99,ConnorGrail, and so called HenryEYES. I just wanted to say don't pull that shit again or whatever. LOL LaAO lol LAMO LOL Lol , this game was kinda reminded me of those stranded games like the super mario 64 and Death stANDing because It MADe em lol. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHa, man this game was crazy. I really enjoyed the music and the story reminds me of my friends on Discord because I ask them a question and they answer like 2 days later or something. Also I thought the loading screen was dope because it shows the player's Newgrounds username. This would have never of worked if EA made it. Also is there gonna be a DLC for this game. I think you should add a battle royal mode in this game.Also this is nothing like Animal Jam and Club Penguin, what the frick. Alright i'm gonna lamoa some crackers. BOoooooboBOBOOBOBOOBbbooobyboobamoodymod i'm a ghost. Please don't scream,scream,SCREEEEEEEEEEM!!! Man with Snail EyEys, but snails don"T HAve EyeSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Did you know snakes HaVE NO eyE LiDs oR AIds o:. CrZY RighT, aLso hEres my Phone NUmber 911. I'm just joking, here IS my Really ReAl PHone NumbER (323) 834-2079 SeTH ROGAN en End. HAHAHa, peae of creamy doodoo pants in my ants. Don't WoRRy I lIKE TOOOooo SquEezze Darth. Please oh pleazzzze baby pizza uBer DriVER.I Bet I'm MakinG YOu LOL yoUr PaNNies!LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. TurTLe Eyed BAby I gIve This A !!/10 or WhATEver.Canadian-born actor Seth Rogen tapped into his skills as a comedian when he was only 13.Yep it's all true.Population Is Bad
Since mankind was created, the population of people grew humongously. Did you know that there is over 7.4 billion People in the world. People would think it’s good but it’s not. Over the past few years, the population is growing so rapidly that the government can’t provide for everyone. So we need to think of a solution before it’s to late. We could bring 2,000,000 people on an island and let them fight to the death like Hunger Games and Fortnite. Or we can go to a different planet and colonize it. This is a good idea because the earth is already to populated and is to polluted. Maybe that can work. I don’t know because I’m a kid that wants GOT MILK AND RITZ THE SQuekQuel.
The end. ALRIGht let's StOP TakING aBout MAth for A sec.PIZZa and Chicken Are Funny. WHat if CaTs weRE FOod//?I wonder, aNyHoot tHis IS a ExperiANCE I WoN'T Forget. LOL LOLoLOLOLOLOLOLOLO or whatever whatever. WhAt's YOUr Fav COloR???????? This GAme Is Cool OR WHatEVER!!I created this dragon, All JokeS OR WHATever!!