
77 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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Come on don't leave me hanging, I want to see the women's demise and maybe I don't know...her skull caved open like cracking a coconut on a rock. But what if young kids are watching? That's no good but I wouldn't mind. I wish the storyline was cut into different pieces and mixed in a bowl like that Pulp Fiction. At least this is better then foamy the squirrel. Anyways have a great day and don't put a snail on the street. It's a loose loose scenario you know. I forgot what year is it? Anyways I like the detail in the background and the character development with Tom. I also like gardens, I like to pick the cherry's like in the show Little House on the Prairie. A little sugar makes the drugs go down if you know what I mean. NEVERMIND JUST leave!! The only complaint I have with this film is that the clouds don't move a inch, work on your cloud animation please. Also the animation is pretty limited. Here's a clip of animation that you should keep in mind so you can build upon your skills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTOJZiDv1Uk. This is a total normal reaction and I'm not a psycho so don't be afraid to google me. You should join the navy or something

Shal responds:

Thanks Tiltro

This looks really cool but you should post this on the art portal, it's to short for the movie portal but you should export it as a gif

Arthandle responds:

Thanks! Yeah I had already submitted it as a gif. I didn’t know if the art portal allowed mp4 formats. I figured I’d just leave it up for anyone who wants to use it. Leave the option available.

I regard the British rule as a curse;It has impoverished the dumb millions by a system of progressive exploitation and by a ruinously expensive military and civil administration which the country can never afford.It has reduced us politically to serfdom. It has sapped the foundations of our culture, and, by the policy of disarmament, it has degraded us spiritually. Lacking inward strength, we have been reduced by all but universal disarmament to a state bordering on cowardly helplessness. If India is to live as a nation, if the slow death by starvation of her people is to stop, some remedy must be found for immediate relief. The proposed conference is certainly not the remedy. It is not a matter of carrying conviction by argument. The matter resolves itself into one of matching forces. Conviction or no conviction Great Britain would defend her Indian commerce and interest by all the forces at her command. India must consequently evolve force enough to free herself from that embrace of death. It is common cause that, however disorganized and for the time being insignificant it may be, the party of violence is gaining ground and making itself felt.Its end is the same as mine. But I am convinced that it cannot bring the desired relief to the dumb millions. And the conviction is growing deeper and deeper in me that nothing but unadulterated non-violence can check the organized violence of the British Government. Many think that non-violence is not an active force. It is my purpose to set in motion that force as well against the organized violent force of the British rule as the unorganized violent force of the growing party of violence.To sit still would be to give rein to both the forces above mentioned. Having an unquestioning and immovable faith in the efficacy of non-violence as I know it, it would be sinful on my part to wait any longer. . . . - Gandhi's letter

ChutneyGlaze responds:

3 and half stars?!? >: (

This cartoon made me want to piss myself, are you kidding me. When I clicked on this video I thought I was gonna go on a charming adventure that whisks me away. What made you want to make a cartoon about a mermaid trying to light the sea on fire to impress some crack head? I don’t get it, kids these days. You could’ve made a better concept. But I loved the animation it’s really good for a matter of fact. Someday you’ll make something that will rock me to my core. I enjoyed the background and it had a fairly cute main character. She could of used a few more arks of hair but she looks alright. The animation can get mumbly sometimes like the perspective shot you were trying to make but failed. It looks wonky. I don’t want to offend you but here is my review. Also I thought the mermaid was cute but mentally challenged in a way, why didn’t she light it above water is she like in special Ed or something. I’m allowed to say that. Also where’s the joke I can’t see it anywhere. Keep up the great work and maybe I’ll like the next cartoon you do. Also this is just biased on my opinion so I’m basically nitpicking on my part. But I would love to see more of your stuff. Chow

Edit: not buying it

Edit: I realized that I was getting a little to crazy and I'm sorry for calling her that. I looked back at this now and this review is horrible. I'm sorry the pain I put you through. My wording is awkward and my reasoning wasn't really thought out very well.

Edit: Congrats on getting daily first and winning January

PParreira responds:

Hello, I appreciate your criticism, I see that your intentions are constructive, but your interpretation is somewhat off.
She wasn't trying to impress anyone, she just realized that this thing she was hoarding had the potential to create this new thing and she wanted to see for herself, she is completely unaware of what fire is, it could be just light for all she knows and simply doesn't add together that the water she lives in is affecting her attempt to conjure it, maybe a more perceptive mermaid could reach that conclusion, but calling her mentally challenged is going too far.

This looks really neat, I love your style and I like how creative this is. The clouds are different wacky creatures that are adorable.
The song is pretty rad also. I love it, very good

Butzbo responds:

Thanks Tiltro!

What's that song from again

Wandaboy responds:

Aunt Jemima Revengeance

This was hilarious, think about it.

I love reptiles and making cartoons. Also newgrounds is pretty neat.

Gareth @Tiltro

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