
203 Art Reviews

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I feel like your artwork is improving, I need to improve as well.

Edit: I really like how you depicted space with the background and this is just a nit pick but I don’t really like how thick the outline is.The outline isn’t that appealing to me. Nevertheless the light and shadow for this artwork is nice. Also I like how the flashlight or whatever gives a little lighting on Joel’s face and jacket. That’s all the feedback I have. I do and don’t like criticizing other peoples artwork online because it can go 2 ways. One way is that by criticizing someone’s artwork they can improve by keeping the criticism in mind and improving by watching out for the mistakes they were criticized on so they can make better art or they’ll just yell at you for hurting their so called feelings and tell other artists horrible things about you online ( I know this from experience). I know you wouldn’t do the second way.

TerrorByte responds:

Yeah, me too actually. I’m proud of how this came out. I’m hoping that that I’ll get critique on this too.

Edit: It’s fine, man. I like it when people give me critique on my art, because I like to hear what other think. As for the lineart... well I wish that it could be more varied, but Photoshop is giving me trouble with that, and I’m not sure how I can fix it. I’ve been trying to work with a thicker outline, and I’m liking it. Thanks for saying something. :)

That’s a pretty nice kaiju, I love this guy

Is he eating lava?

Nice artwork pal, I really like how Matt is posed. The only gripe I have is the shading, it just bugs me for some reason but that is more of a nitpick than negative feedback.

This looks cool

This looks like my real cat, it’s black and has green eyes but the only thing that’s different is that my cat has a tank top and this one doesn’t . I like the pretty colors also.

Oddlem responds:

Dang heck yeah! I used to have a black cat and he was super sweet, they're real good cats

Also thank you very much!

I feel like this could be a movie poster, I liked how you created a silhouette of Rodan and King Ghidorah in the background. Extravagant artwork you’ve created, it’s good in the hood. I love your artwork, I’m still trying to get better at drawing.

SpaceDragon14 responds:

Thanks man!

I promise I won’t tell your mom fella. I’ll just tell your dad! Hahaha


Did you follow the SpazKid3D tutorials to make this?

BigTexasTony responds:

Yes, I did.

I love reptiles and making cartoons. Also newgrounds is pretty neat.

Gareth @Tiltro

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